At International Education Board Limited "IEB" or International Education Board Department of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery "IEBDAMS" ( / we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to better our services and enhance your experience as our customer.
By using this website, and the products and services of IEB / IEBDAMS, you consent to the collection and use of information as set forth in this privacy policy. You also acknowledge that IEB / IEBDAMS may periodically change, modify, add or remove or otherwise update this privacy policy at its discretion, without prior notification..
Please read on for more details about our privacy policy.
Certain terms used in this privacy policy shall have the meaning as defined hereunder, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. “Act” means the Information Technology Act, 2000
2. “Application or mobile application” may mean such software developed by, or for, IEB / IEBDAMS on various mediums including but not limited to mobile phones for the purpose of accessing its products, policies, features and services.
3. "Call Centre" means a call centre facility set up/ engaged by IEB / IEBDAMS to assist its Customers with respect to various transactions and to furnish information etc., regarding its products and such other related information.
4. “Dashboard” may mean such interface, software, graphical summary that provides insight and access into IEB / IEBDAMS’s policies, products, features and services regardless of the medium of access.
5. “Partners” refers to any such entities, or persons engaged by, or associated/affiliated with the Company in connection with its business activities in any form. Provided that any third parties whose products/services are advertised, promoted, marketed and/or sold on the Company’s website shall also be deemed Partners notwithstanding that such parties may not be engaged by, associated/affiliated with the Company.
6. "Personal Data" or "Personal Information" means any information relating to a person who can be identified either directly from that data, or from that data together with any other information which either is or likely to be available. Provided that any information or data available in the public domain, or accessible under the Right to Information Act, 2005, shall not be construed as being “Personal Data” or “Personal Information”.
7. "IEB / IEBDAMS", “the Company” or “We” or "Us" means IEB / IEBDAMS;
8. “Privacy Policy” refers to this Privacy Policy, and any subsequent amendments hereto.
9. “Rules” mean the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011.
10. “Sensitive personal data or information” of a person , whether natural or justice, shall have such meaning as ascribed to it under the Rules.
11. "Use" means accessing the Website for any purpose including, but not limited to, the enquiry of our products or services and/ or entering into a transaction with Us in any other manner.
12. "Website" means / or any other website which IEB / IEBDAMS may launch or operate for its business purposes or otherwise.The word "Data" and "Information" are used interchangeably in this document.
Collection of Information We may collect information from you in the following instances:
1. Submission of your details in any physical, digital or electronic mode including mobile applications in connection with the purchase of an service or product from Us;
2. Provision of your information or data to Us while using the Website or while making any enquiry with Us either online or in any other manner;
3. Any information which is derived from the information provided by you, eg. information generated through an online tool or Calculators available on the Website or while purchasing our products online.
4. Performance of any online transaction(s) on the Website or any of the payment gateway links available on the Website.
5. Receipt of any information by Us from any third parties such as Institues, Academy/ Schools etc.. partnered with IEB
6. When you participate in any events organized by Us, such as contests, recruitment fairs, functions and seminars including contests and quizzes on social networking websites;
7. From cookies, or other technology deployed for the collection of statistical data on our website, web and mobile applications;
The collection of information allows Us to serve your needs in a better manner, including our courses and other service products You understand and acknowledge that certain data/information provided by you will be shared with any service providers we may have, engage or be associated with for the purpose of providing the services under the contract of courses and other service products including any ancillary services required to be provided thereunder. You also understand and acknowledge that such data/information may also be shared with our group companies for research and analysis purposes.
We don't store your credit card information or internet banking information. However, if you make an online purchase of a policy from Us, the payment gateways on our website may collect your card number and expiry date for processing the payment.
We continually strive to improve our website offerings based on the information and feedback we receive from you. We also monitor customer traffic patterns and site usage to help us develop the design and layout of the Website. We shall not retain any of your sensitive personal data or information unless retention of the information is required for rendering the services or is required under any provision of law.
Usage of the Information
By using this Website, you authorize Us to use your information for the following purposes:
1. To contact you over the telephone/ mobile and/or e-mail address, as may have been provided by you, for the purpose of spreading awareness about any products and/or services we may have;
2. To disseminate any information with regard to any products and services devised or provided by our affiliates.
3. To facilitate policy renewal reminders, provide information pertaining to claims and other service details, and make available miscellaneous information about various types of products and/or services.
4. Sending or conveying information relating to renewal reminders, products and/or services etc.;
5. Data analysis exercises whether conducted in house by Us or through any of our group or affiliate Companies or through any duly engaged service provider;
6. Sharing the Personal Data with such service provider(s) duly engaged by Us, either in United Kingdom or outside United Kingdom for the purpose of providing any ancillary services to you arising out of a Contract of product or otherwise, subject to such legal safeguards under the Rules as may be applicable.
7. Disclosure of any information as required under law or by order of any statutory body or Court.
By providing any contact information, you have consented to be contacted by us thereby waiving any complaints and/or registrations under the National Do Not Call ("NDNC") Registry, and such waiver is made of your own volition and free will. You may withdraw your consent or change your interests at any time and may opt-out of any marketing / promotional / newsletters mailings by sending us a letter or an email to that effect at /
The contact information will be removed from our database within 30 working days. However, your information may be recollected and used as per this policy statement should you transact with us again upon un-subscription.
You hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authorise the Company to use the information provided by you to carry out your instructions and effecting transactions that you may undertake on the Website, in accordance with these Terms and such other terms as may be specified by the Company. The records of the Company generated by the transaction(s), including the recording of the time of the transaction(s), shall be conclusive proof of the genuineness and accuracy of such transactions.
The Sensitive personal data or information, and any other information collected by us shall be stored either in United Kingdom or abroad, subject to applicable regulatory provisions. You hereby provide your consent to us to transfer/share your personal Data outside United Kingdom for the purpose for which said information has been collected by Us. We shall always ensure that reasonable security practices are enforced in order to protect your Sensitive personal data or information wherever it may be stored or processed, and such safeguards shall, at no point, be less than as required by law in United Kingdom.
Sharing of your Information
We shall not share, rent, lease, or sell your personal information (e.g. your email address, your credit card information, your name, your address, etc.) to any third party for their independent use or benefit.
We may share your information collected by us with third parties for providing you with better services and offerings as stated under the section "Usage of Information".
Corrections/ Updates
Should you find any errors in any personal information pertaining to you and reflected in our records you may write to us to seek appropriate rectification. We reserve the right, however, to verify your identity before proceeding with any request for such rectification or modification.
We may reject requests that are impractical, unreasonably repetitive and/or risk the privacy of others.
While we shall endeavour to allow such rectification/ modification free of charge, we reserve the right to charge a service fee should the same be permitted under the laws of United Kingdom.
Cookies and Log
We, or our Partners may store cookies when you visit our Website or our Partner’s websites and access said cookies on your computer in order to allow you to browse and transact at such websites. The primary purpose of these cookies is to analyze how our Website is used. Our cookies let you view customized pages while transacting with us.
Cookies are small data files that a website stores on your device to "recognize" you on subsequent requests. Our cookies do not have confidential or personally identifiable information.
We may use various tools viz., Chart tool, tracking tool etc. on our website to improve the customer experience by showing or advertising such goods/services we think may be of interest to you. Also,
We use analytic tools, web beacons etc. to gather anonymous, aggregated statistical information (e.g. unique hits, page views, etc.) about our Website traffic. We use Non-Persistent cookies for managing the users' logged in session and persistent cookies for managing the performance.
However, you can turn-off the Cookies in your browser.
Links to Third Party Websites
This Website may contain external links to websites operated by third parties other than IEB / IEBDAMS. Such links are provided for your convenience only and IEB / IEBDAMS has no control over such websites and no representation is being made by the Company as to their content and conduct. Use of, or reliance on any such links and the content thereon provided shall be at your sole risk.
When visiting such external links, you shall refer to the terms and conditions of use of such websites. No hypertext links shall be created from any website controlled by You or any other person, to this Website, without the express prior written permission of the Company.
Protection of Information
We have adequate security practices and procedures in place and a comprehensive documented information security programme and policies that contain managerial, technical, operational and physical security measures that are appropriate to protect information received by us.
Although we shall endeavour to safeguard the confidentiality of your personally identifiable information, transmissions and transactions made by means of the Internet cannot be made absolutely secure. By using this Website, you agree that we will have no liability for disclosure of your information due to errors in transmission or unauthorised acts of third parties.